One piece of art that that motivates me to act as part social change comes in the form of music. It is a song from a very well known rapper from Philadelphia who goes by the stage name Meek Mill. A few months ago, after the George Floyd murder took place and people began looting and rioting. Instead of uplifting the black community and showing support Donald Trump went on to say that the democratic party has failed the African American community and that we have nothing to lose. This here is exactly what he said, “you’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58% of your youth is unemployed, what the hell do you have to lose?”
Rapper meek mill made a song about trumps statements. The song was called The Other Side of America. The purpose of the song was to passionately break down the experience on the other side of America which in this case is referring to the black community. This song really stuck out to me because not only did he address trumps statement, he also spoke about the police brutality that is going on in America therefore it was beneficial to the Black Lives Matter movement.
Furthermore, this song directly tackled racial inequality and racism that goes on. For me what I liked most about the song was how Meek Mill expressed that the other side of America does not and will not ever understand what it is like in the black community. Meek Mill also emphasizes that as a child he did not have any guidance, a lot of children in the black community can relate to that and that can affect the way you grow up and the choices you make. The other side of America may have never experienced something like that but they are so quick to judge you without even getting to know you or trying to understand you.
This song relates to social change because it is part of the Black Lives Matter movement. The movement is not just a phrase to say it also comes with actions. Getting to know and understand people who come from the other side of America also known as the black community is an action that needs to be done more often. Some people are just so judgmental and have a stereotype about certain people. My experience ties into this because growing up I did experience police brutality and racial profiling. People have created a stigma about me without even getting to know me and trying to understand why I am the way I amt. I have put the inspiration into action. While I was home, I participated in many protests and rallies because I felt like it was the right thing to do.
Meek Mill had a interview on CNN and said, “The first step I would say: ‘I grew up in America in a ruthless neighborhood where we are not protected by police, we grew up in ruthless environments, we grew up around murder, you see murder, you see seven people die a week, I think you would probably carry a gun yourself. Would you?’” And the reporter responded yes, I probably would. This goes to show that growing up on the other side of America is not easy.